Roy Lu - Devlog

Hi, I'm Roy! I am the CEO and programmer here at Studio Bounce. I'm honoured to be part of such an amazing team and to have the opportunity bring Slime Hunter to life.

The game was proposed by me as a homage to one of my favourite 2D Flash games of the past called Amourphous+.  It's a really simple game that has simple point click combat but adds complexity through a plethora of unique enemies and ability interactions. It's incredibly addicting but I also felt it could be so much more. It didn't have any of a narrative, levels and interactions were limited and repetitive, and the visuals were charming for the time but otherwise fairly crude. It's from there that the idea came for a game that could not only modernize the game play loop but add a lot more in the form of world, visuals, and combat options. This is how Slime Hunter began!

Since then, we've come together as a team 4 to meticulously flesh out the original design and we're super excited to begin development. As first time developers, it's a daunting experience to approach such a large project but also motivating to be with a group of people that share the same vision and admiration.

Special thanks to our team, Sagar Jadhav (Creative Director), Riccio Li (Art Director), Divyanshu Singh (CTO). Along with them, I hope to bring you a captivating game that's the culmination of our passion and effort.

We'll keep everyone posted on our progress on the page so be sure to check back!

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