Sagar Jadhav - Devlog

As the Creative Director and the Level Designer for Slime Hunter it was amazing to come up with a game like this. Thanks to Roy Lu (CEO), Divyanshu Singh (CTO) and Riccio Li (Art Director & Level Designer) for helping in building this game and also for a great time in the process.

We started with an idea of making a slime game and came up with a lot of ideas and concepts. The process was long but it was really fun  and knowledgeable to discuss and debate about what things we need and what we don't in the game. Eventually we came up with the concept and the created the GDD for the game.  After the GDD it was actually time to work on the game and the journey started.

I was working on the Level Designs and also the Story of the game. I wanted the game to be as immersive as possible and engaging as well. With the Combat System we had in the game it was quite fun and challenging at the same time as the Stamina attribute and the only striking in one way to the Slimes was quite of an challenge and also fun to work with. In the beginning, I mainly focused on the story, I wanted the gameplay to be seamless and exciting at the same time. So me and Riccio came up with a short story for our One Region Capstone game. 
I kept refining the story by how the story will progress and how will player or the main character will be introduced to the characters and new weapons, spells and also one of my favorite part which I came up with, SIime Pet!

keeping in mind about all these things, I started working on the combat system and the slimes. I had the challenge that how much slime will be introduced to the players in combat and how will the difficulty increase gradually. I say this was a challenge because we had no build to playtest.  To tackle this situation,  I just came up with a basic calculation about the damage dealt in one swing and also stamina used per swing which favored to the players side. After doing some playtest we could adjust the damage dealt to slimes. 

So in the pre-production we had almost everything ready and were waiting for the production to start. The levels were ready, story was there, we knew what assets we needed how many NPC's would be there.  I said "almost everything" because there were still somethings we had figure out but they were minimal, like what skybox we will be using how will be the lighting, it was more technical stuff which we could figure out in the production. 

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